

robot sex

Zou dit de reden zijn waarom steeds meer vrouwen zich met siliconen laten opvullen?

Seks met robots heeft toekomst

Mensen zullen in de toekomst net zo vaak en misschien wel meer hebben met robots dan met elkaar. Dat voorspelt de internationale schaakmeester David Levy in zijn proefschrift „Love and Sex with Robots”, waarop hij donderdag promoveert aan de Universiteit Maastricht
Curieus genoeg zijn de termen ‚David Levy’ & ‚robotseks’ niet te vinden op deze web site…

Shannon Elizabeth naakt met robot
Shannon Elizabeth naakt met robot
Nu al bestaan er realistische poppen
Anna Mae
Real Doll
met wie mannen seks kunnen hebben. In de nabije toekomst worden deze uitgerust met intelligente software. Het grote voordeel is dat een robot alles doet wat iemand wil, niet tegenstribbelt en dus als een soort ‚seksslaaf’ gebruikt kan worden, aldus Levy. Hij voorspelt dat in 2050 seks en zelfs huwelijken met robots de normaalste zaak van de wereld zullen zijn.

Mensen zullen verliefd worden op robots, omdat die naar de wensen en behoeftes van de gebruiker geprogrammeerd kunnen worden, aldus Levy donderdag. Mensen zullen zelfs liever een robot ‚beminnen’ dan een mens van vlees en bloed. „Uit onderzoek blijkt nu al, dat veel mensen liever hun echtgenoot dan hun hond verliezen”, zei Levy. „Dat zal met robots niet anders zijn.”

In Korea en Japan en de VS zijn momenteel van siliconen
gemaakte poppen die net echt lijken, erg populair. Ze kosten ruim 5000 dollar en zijn niet aan te slepen. „In Tokyo en San Francisco kun je zo'n Sex Doll huren voor minder dan € 100, per uur”, aldus Levy. Maak van zo'n pop een robot, dan vormen die binnenkort een heuse concurrentie voor prostituees, weet Levy.
Huwelijken houden steeds minder lang stand en trouwen met een gewillige robot zou binnenkort een alternatief vormen. Levy verwacht wel wat tegenstand door religieuze staten en groeperingen, maar die zal volgens hem wegebben.

Robots kunnen binnenkort meer dan alleen een orgasme bezorgen. Ze zullen ook steeds meer macht krijgen. „Over enkele decennia zit mogelijk een robot in het Witte Huis”, denkt Levy, die grote veranderingen voorspelt op het gebied van ethiek.

De 62-jarige schaakmeester uit Londen promoveert in Maastricht, omdat het onderwerp in taboe is. AD & ANP

Robot Sex

Robot Sex

Love and Sex with Robots

A Ph. D. thesis submitted to the Universiteit Maastricht contains some controversial forecasts about the future of human-robot relationships. The thesis is entitled “Intimate Relationships with Artificial Partners” and its author is David Levy, an International Master at chess from London. Levy’s thesis argues that trends in robotics and other areas of artificial intelligence will, within a few decades, result in robots that are so humanlike in their appearance and functionality, in their personality, and in their expression of emotions, that many people will be falling in love with them, having sex with them, and even marrying them.

Levy’s Ph.D. research has encompassed the fields of psychology, sexology, sociology, robotics, artificial intelligence, and gender studies. His forecasts are based on his analysis of certain trends and on what he sees as the inevitability of how these trends will continue in the future. One of these trends follows the objects of human affection – at first this was only for other humans, then it expanded to include pet animals, then virtual pets such as the Tamagotchi and Sony’s robotic dog AIBO, and in the future, according to Levy’s thesis, for robots. Another trend examined in the thesis follows our attitudes to various sexual practices, as these attitudes have become steadily more liberal. The thesis also examines the principal reasons, identified by research psychologists, why we fall in love and why we have sex. Most of these reasons are shown in the thesis to be equally applicable to the human-robot relationships of the future as they are for human-human relationships today.

The thesis defence in Maastricht took place on October 11th 2007 at 14:00 in the Aula of the Universiteit Maastricht. David Levy’s thesis supervisors are professor Maaike Meijer, of the Department of Gender Studies, and professor Jaap van den Herik, of the Department of Computer Science.
Published on: 8-10-2007

Update: 3-12-2008

Swedish researchers create body-swap illusion

Researchers using closed-circuit televisions to create an illusion have made volunteers virtually swap bodies, even making women believe they were in a man's body and vice-versa. The experiment, reported in the science journal PLoS ONE on Tuesday, shows it is possible to manipulate the human mind to create the perception of having another body, the Swedish researchers said.

It helps explain how humans understand the limits of their own bodies, Valeria Petkova and Henrik Ehrsson of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm reported. They set up a series of experiments aimed at fooling their volunteers, each an extension of a common illusion in which people can be fooled into thinking a rubber hand is their own.

For the illusion, the volunteer's real hand is concealed and stroked at the same time the visible rubber hand is. The brain will often trick the volunteer into truly feeling as if the rubber hand is his or her own hand. Petkova and Ehrsson went further, using a closed-circuit camera to fool their volunteers into believing a rubber mannequin was in fact their own body — and eventually, that another human being was.

“This effect is so robust that, while experiencing being in another person's body, a participant can face his or her biological body and shake hands with it without breaking the illusion,” they wrote. They started with a life-sized mannequin. “Two closed-circuit television cameras were positioned on a male mannequin such that each recorded events from the position corresponding to one of the mannequin's eyes,” they wrote.

“A set of head-mounted displays connected to the cameras was worn by the participants, and connected in such a way that the images from the left and right video cameras were presented on the left and right eye displays, respectively, providing a true stereoscopic image,” they added. “Participants were asked to tilt their heads downwards as if looking down at their bodies. Thus, the participants saw the mannequin's body where they expected to see their own.”

As in the rubber hand illusion, the experimenters touched the volunteers' bodies at the same time as they touched the mannequin. “...it was evident that the participants had felt the mannequin's body to be their own body,” they wrote. Finally, they tried a full body swap between two volunteers and it worked.

The illusion only goes so far. The researchers said they could not fool their volunteers into thinking they were a box, for example.
Reporting by Maggie Fox; Editing by Julie Steenhuysen

2 Opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei


Anoniem zei

ik wil ook wel zoon robot meisje als me vriendin geen zin heeft :D

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