
Vagina Monologue

Riding the train home today, I sat next to a young woman wearing a t-shirt that said "I LOVE MY VAGINA." All I could think was, "I'm sure you do," but I couldn't help wondering what the response would be to a man that wore a t-shirt with the equivalent statement: I LOVE MY PENIS? It is rather a non sequitur. I mean, what do you say in response? "How much do you love your toy box?" "I love mine more than you love yours?" How do we compare and measure our relationships with our vaginas? I suppose I am starting to trespass on Eve Ensler's territory here. So, before I am accused of plagarism and in the name of equality between the sexes, I want the following t-shirt: I LOVE MY ASSHOLE. I am going to make a documentary called "The Asshole Dialog." Men and women both can talk about their personal relationships with their own backdoor as well as their feelings about those of others: do you like yours? Do you like other people's? Is yours pretty? I think it is right in keeping with Third Wave Feminism and its attempt to escape any type of essentialism based on gender or biology. I mean, everybody has an asshole, everybody is an asshole, and everybody knows an asshole, right? 【Іsаbеllе Dоlcе】

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