

I read the guys' theories and you're all wrong. It feels better to spread our legs during sex and . If any of you guys actually have girlfriends, ask them if they spread their legs when they as well. I think you will find that it is almost impossible not to. So, I conclude that the cause of this spreading of the legs and raising of the can't be based on deeper because masturbation does not have to involve any penetration at all. For me, the wider I spread my legs, during sex or masturbation, the better it feels. Ask a woman.
Tja, dit proza is van ene Cindy, het equivalent van onze Anita… De vraag van ene Sam Sloan was „Why do women spread their legs when they are having sex?”. Theoretisch kan het zo zijn dat in de genen voorgeprogrammeerd is om dit lekker te vinden……… Nou en?
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