



6 Opmerkingen:

][ΤΜL Βrошѕеr zei

To bLōgged™:

Please inform me about the cause for www.blogged.com/blogs/journaaltje.html being redirected to your home page and why the search function on your web site does no longer show this bLog in it's results.


Anoniem zei


This site was deleted as our editors deemed to to not be a blog but a directory of links. We consider blogs sites that are arranged in chronological order from the most recent post at the top of the main page to the older post towards the bottom that provide information, comments, and news on a subject(s).

Also, please note that while we do accept blogs dealing in adult issues (sexuality) we do not accept blogs that contain pornographic material and such blogs are deleted from our system when we come across them.

Hope that clears things up.

Βοrιs Ρluιs zei

Aha, that explains a lot. The 'link directory' that is currently the home page consists of almost exlusively internal links.

The site is arranged in chronological order, like any blog should. Note that we take extra care to state accurate dates on postings.

What is pornography? You tell us…… Why does your web site system not distingish between adult and non-adult sites by providing a simple mark? Thus visitors to your site are given a choice whether they want to see it or not, or give it an appropriate review.

Anoniem zei


We do offer an Adult Theme section for blogs dealing with sexuality along with an option for users to either enter the site or not. Our editors did not delete your blog based on the subject matter but because it appeared to be a directory of links. We'll go ahead and send your blog to the Editorial Department along with your comments and have them take another look.

][ΤΜL Βrошѕеr zei

Thank you for this fitting action.

Anoniem zei


Thank you for your feedback and comments. The Editorial Team reviewed
your site and it was deemed not meet our guidelines. We're apologize for
any inconvenience.

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