
HTML Canvas

【URL】 HTML code:
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function log(msg) {   var textArea;   textArea = document.getElementById("logArea");   textArea.value = msg + "\n" + textArea.value; } function clearLog() {   var textArea;   textArea = document.getElementById("logArea");   textArea.value = ""; } </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="blobsallad.js"> </script> <style type="text/css">   canvas { } </style> </head> <body onload="init();clearLog();"> <canvas id="blob" width="600" height="400"></canvas><br> <a href="javascript:stop()">pause simulation</a> <a href="javascript:start()">resume simulation</a> </body>
JavaScript code:
  function Vector(x, y)   {     this.x = x;     this.y = y;          this.equal = function(v)     {       return this.x == v.getX() && this.y == v.getY();     }     this.getX = function()     {       return this.x;     }     this.getY = function()     {       return this.y;     }     this.setX = function(x)     {       this.x = x;     }     this.setY = function(y)     {       this.y = y;     }     this.addX = function(x)     {       this.x += x;     }     this.addY = function(y)     {       this.y += y;     }     this.set = function(v)     {       this.x = v.getX();       this.y = v.getY();     }     this.add = function(v)     {       this.x += v.getX();       this.y += v.getY();     }     this.sub = function(v)     {       this.x -= v.getX();       this.y -= v.getY();     }     this.dotProd = function(v)     {       return this.x * v.getX() + this.y * v.getY();     }     this.length = function()     {       return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y);     }     this.scale = function(scaleFactor)     {       this.x *= scaleFactor;       this.y *= scaleFactor;     }     this.toString = function()     {       return " X: " + this.x + " Y: " + this.y;     }   }      function Environment(x, y, w, h)   {     this.left = x;     this.right = x + w;     this.top = y;     this.buttom = y + h;     this.r = new Vector(0.0, 0.0);     this.collision = function(curPos, prevPos)     {       var collide = false;       var i;       if(curPos.getX() < this.left)       {         curPos.setX(this.left);         collide = true;       }       else if(curPos.getX() > this.right)       {         curPos.setX(this.right);         collide = true;       }       if(curPos.getY() < this.top)       {         curPos.setY(this.top);         collide = true;       }       else if(curPos.getY() > this.buttom)       {         curPos.setY(this.buttom);         collide = true;       }       return collide;     }     this.draw = function(ctx, scaleFactor)     {     }   }      function PointMass(cx, cy, mass)   {     this.cur = new Vector(cx, cy);     this.prev = new Vector(cx, cy);     this.mass = mass;     this.force = new Vector(0.0, 0.0);     this.result = new Vector(0.0, 0.0);     this.friction = 0.01;          this.getXPos = function()     {       return this.cur.getX();     }     this.getYPos = function()     {       return this.cur.getY();     }     this.getPos = function()     {       return this.cur;     }     this.getXPrevPos = function()     {       return this.prev.getX();     }     this.getYPrevPos = function()     {       return this.prev.getY();     }     this.getPrevPos = function()     {       return this.prev;     }     this.addXPos = function(dx)     {       this.cur.addX(dx);     }     this.addYPos = function(dy)     {       this.cur.addY(dy);     }     this.setForce = function(force)     {       this.force.set(force);     }     this.addForce = function(force)     {       this.force.add(force);     }     this.getMass = function()     {       return this.mass;     }     this.setMass = function(mass)     {       this.mass = mass;     }     this.move = function(dt)     {       var t, a, c, dtdt;              dtdt = dt * dt;              a = this.force.getX() / this.mass;       c = this.cur.getX();       t = (2.0 - this.friction) * c - (1.0 - this.friction) * this.prev.getX() + a * dtdt;       this.prev.setX(c);       this.cur.setX(t);                    a = this.force.getY() / this.mass;       c = this.cur.getY();       t = (2.0 - this.friction) * c - (1.0 - this.friction) * this.prev.getY() + a * dtdt;       this.prev.setY(c);       this.cur.setY(t);     }     this.setFriction = function(friction)     {       this.friction = friction;     }     this.getVelocity = function()     {       var cXpX, cYpY;              cXpX = this.cur.getX() - this.prev.getX();       cYpY = this.cur.getY() - this.prev.getY();              return cXpX * cXpX + cYpY * cYpY;     }     this.draw = function(ctx, scaleFactor)     {       ctx.lineWidth = 2;       ctx.fillStyle = '#000000';       ctx.strokeStyle = '#000000';       ctx.beginPath();       ctx.arc(this.cur.getX() * scaleFactor,               this.cur.getY() * scaleFactor,               4.0, 0.0, Math.PI * 2.0, true);       ctx.fill();     }   }      function ConstraintY(pointMass, y, shortConst, longConst)   {     this.pointMass = pointMass;     this.y = y;     this.delta = new Vector(0.0, 0.0);     this.shortConst = shortConst;     this.longConst = longConst;          this.sc = function()     {       var dist;              dist = Math.abs(this.pointMass.getYPos() - this.y);       this.delta.setY(-dist);               if(this.shortConst != 0.0 && dist < this.shortConst)       {         var scaleFactor;                  scaleFactor = this.shortConst / dist;         this.delta.scale(scaleFactor);         pointMass.getPos().sub(this.delta);       }       else if(this.longConst != 0.0 && dist > this.longConst)       {         var scaleFactor;                  scaleFactor = this.longConst / dist;         this.delta.scale(scaleFactor);         pointMass.getPos().sub(this.delta);       }     }   }      function Joint(pointMassA, pointMassB, shortConst, longConst)   {     this.pointMassA = pointMassA;     this.pointMassB = pointMassB;     this.delta = new Vector(0.0, 0.0);     this.pointMassAPos = pointMassA.getPos();     this.pointMassBPos = pointMassB.getPos();          this.delta.set(this.pointMassBPos);     this.delta.sub(this.pointMassAPos);          this.shortConst = this.delta.length() * shortConst;     this.longConst = this.delta.length() * longConst;     this.scSquared = this.shortConst * this.shortConst;     this.lcSquared = this.longConst * this.longConst;     this.setDist = function(shortConst, longConst)     {       this.shortConst = shortConst;       this.longConst = longConst;       this.scSquared = this.shortConst * this.shortConst;       this.lcSquared = this.longConst * this.longConst;     }     this.scale = function(scaleFactor)     {       this.shortConst = this.shortConst * scaleFactor;       this.longConst = this.longConst * scaleFactor;       this.scSquared = this.shortConst * this.shortConst;       this.lcSquared = this.longConst * this.longConst;     }     this.sc = function()     {       this.delta.set(this.pointMassBPos);       this.delta.sub(this.pointMassAPos);       var dp = this.delta.dotProd(this.delta);              if(this.shortConst != 0.0 && dp < this.scSquared)       {         var scaleFactor;                  scaleFactor = this.scSquared / (dp + this.scSquared) - 0.5;                  this.delta.scale(scaleFactor);                 this.pointMassAPos.sub(this.delta);         this.pointMassBPos.add(this.delta);       }       else if(this.longConst != 0.0 && dp > this.lcSquared)       {         var scaleFactor;                  scaleFactor = this.lcSquared / (dp + this.lcSquared) - 0.5;                  this.delta.scale(scaleFactor);                 this.pointMassAPos.sub(this.delta);         this.pointMassBPos.add(this.delta);       }     }   }        function Stick(pointMassA, pointMassB)   {     function pointMassDist(pointMassA, pointMassB)     {       var aXbX, aYbY;            aXbX = pointMassA.getXPos() - pointMassB.getXPos();       aYbY = pointMassA.getYPos() - pointMassB.getYPos();            return Math.sqrt(aXbX * aXbX + aYbY * aYbY);     }        this.length = pointMassDist(pointMassA, pointMassB);     this.lengthSquared = this.length * this.length;     this.pointMassA = pointMassA;     this.pointMassB = pointMassB;     this.delta = new Vector(0.0, 0.0);          this.getPointMassA = function()     {       return this.pointMassA;     }     this.getPointMassB = function()     {       return this.pointMassB;     }     this.scale = function(scaleFactor)     {       this.length *= scaleFactor;       this.lengthSquared = this.length * this.length;     }     this.sc = function(env)     {       var dotProd, scaleFactor;       var pointMassAPos, pointMassBPos;            pointMassAPos = this.pointMassA.getPos();       pointMassBPos = this.pointMassB.getPos();            this.delta.set(pointMassBPos);       this.delta.sub(pointMassAPos);       dotProd = this.delta.dotProd(this.delta);       scaleFactor = this.lengthSquared / (dotProd + this.lengthSquared) - 0.5;       this.delta.scale(scaleFactor);               pointMassAPos.sub(this.delta);       pointMassBPos.add(this.delta);     }     this.setForce = function(force)     {       this.pointMassA.setForce(force);       this.pointMassB.setForce(force);     }     this.addForce = function(force)     {       this.pointMassA.addForce(force);       this.pointMassB.addForce(force);     }     this.move = function(dt)     {       this.pointMassA.move(dt);       this.pointMassB.move(dt);     }     this.draw = function(ctx, scaleFactor)     {       this.pointMassA.draw(ctx, scaleFactor);       this.pointMassB.draw(ctx, scaleFactor);                    ctx.lineWidth = 3;       ctx.fillStyle = '#000000';       ctx.strokeStyle = '#000000';       ctx.beginPath();       ctx.moveTo(this.pointMassA.getXPos() * scaleFactor,                  this.pointMassA.getYPos() * scaleFactor);       ctx.lineTo(this.pointMassB.getXPos() * scaleFactor,                  this.pointMassB.getYPos() * scaleFactor);       ctx.stroke();     }   }      function Spring(restLength, stiffness, damper, pointMassA, pointMassB)   {     this.restLength = restLength;     this.stiffness = stiffness;     this.damper = damper;     this.pointMassA = pointMassA;     this.pointMassB = pointMassB;     this.tmp = Vector(0.0, 0.0);          this.sc = function(env)     {       env.collistion(this.pointMassA.getPos(), this.pointMassA.getPrevPos());       env.collistion(this.pointMassB.getPos(), this.pointMassB.getPrevPos());     }          this.move = function(dt)     {       var aXbX;       var aYbY;       var springForce;       var length;              aXbX = this.pointMassA.getXPos() - this.pointMassB.getXPos();       aYbY = this.pointMassA.getYPos() - this.pointMassB.getYPos();              length = Math.sqrt(aXbX * aXbX + aYbY * aYbY);       springForce = this.stiffness * (length / this.restLength - 1.0);              var avXbvX;       var avYbvY;       var damperForce;              avXbvX = this.pointMassA.getXVel() - this.pointMassB.getXVel();       avYbvY = this.pointMassA.getYVel() - this.pointMassB.getYVel();              damperForce = avXbvX * aXbX + avYbvY * aYbY;       damperForce *= this.damper;              var fx;       var fy;              fx = (springForce + damperForce) * aXbX;       fy = (springForce + damperForce) * aYbY;              this.tmp.setX(-fx);       this.tmp.setY(-ft);       this.pointMassA.addForce(this.tmp);       this.tmp.setX(fx);       this.tmp.setY(ft);       this.pointMassB.addForce(this.tmp);              this.pointMassA.move(dt);       this.pointMassB.move(dt);     }     this.addForce = function(force)     {       this.pointMassA.addForce(force);       this.pointMassB.addForce(force);     }     this.draw = function(ctx, scaleFactor)     {       this.pointMassA.draw(ctx, scaleFactor);       this.pointMassB.draw(ctx, scaleFactor);              ctx.fillStyle = '#000000';       ctx.strokeStyle = '#000000';       ctx.beginPath();       ctx.moveTo(this.pointMassA.getXPos() * scaleFactor,                  this.pointMassA.getYPos() * scaleFactor);       ctx.lineTo(this.pointMassB.getXPos() * scaleFactor,                  this.pointMassB.getXPos() * scaleFactor);       ctx.stroke();     }   }   function Blob(x, y, radius, numPointMasses)   {     this.x = x;     this.y = y;     this.sticks = new Array();     this.pointMasses = new Array();     this.joints = new Array();     this.middlePointMass;     this.radius = radius;     this.drawFaceStyle = 1;     this.drawEyeStyle = 1;     this.selected = false;          numPointMasses = 8;          var f = 0.1;     var low = 0.95, high = 1.05;     var t, i, p;        function clampIndex(index, maxIndex)     {       index += maxIndex;       return index % maxIndex;     }     for(i = 0, t = 0.0; i < numPointMasses; i++)     {       this.pointMasses[i] = new PointMass(Math.cos(t) * radius + x, Math.sin(t) * radius + y, 1.0);       t += 2.0 * Math.PI / numPointMasses;     }          this.middlePointMass = new PointMass(x, y, 1.0);           this.pointMasses[0].setMass(4.0);     this.pointMasses[1].setMass(4.0);           for(i = 0; i < numPointMasses; i++)     {       this.sticks[i] = new Stick(this.pointMasses[i], this.pointMasses[clampIndex(i + 1, numPointMasses)]);     }     for(i = 0, p = 0; i < numPointMasses; i++)     {       this.joints[p++] = new Joint(this.pointMasses[i], this.pointMasses[clampIndex(i + numPointMasses / 2 + 1, numPointMasses)], low, high);       this.joints[p++] = new Joint(this.pointMasses[i], this.middlePointMass, high * 0.9, low * 1.1); // 0.8, 1.2 works     }          this.addBlob = function(blob)     {       var index = this.joints.length;       var dist;               this.joints[index] = new Joint(this.middlePointMass, blob.getMiddlePointMass(), 0.0, 0.0);       dist = this.radius + blob.getRadius();       this.joints[index].setDist(dist * 0.95, 0.0);     }     this.getMiddlePointMass = function()     {       return this.middlePointMass;     }     this.getRadius = function()     {       return this.radius;     }     this.getXPos = function()     {       return this.middlePointMass.getXPos();     }     this.getYPos = function()     {       return this.middlePointMass.getYPos();     }     this.scale = function(scaleFactor)     {       var i;              for(i = 0; i < this.joints.length; i++)       {         this.joints[i].scale(scaleFactor);       }       for(i = 0; i < this.sticks.length; i++)       {         this.sticks[i].scale(scaleFactor);       }       this.radius *= scaleFactor;     }          this.move = function(dt)     {       var i;              for(i = 0; i < this.pointMasses.length; i++)       {         this.pointMasses[i].move(dt);       }       this.middlePointMass.move(dt);     }     this.sc = function(env)     {       var i, j;              for(j = 0; j < 4; j++)       {         for(i = 0; i < this.pointMasses.length; i++)         {           if(env.collision(this.pointMasses[i].getPos(), this.pointMasses[i].getPrevPos()) == true)           {             this.pointMasses[i].setFriction(0.75);           }           else           {             this.pointMasses[i].setFriction(0.01);           }         }         for(i = 0; i < this.sticks.length; i++)         {           this.sticks[i].sc(env);         }         for(i = 0; i < this.joints.length; i++)         {           this.joints[i].sc();         }       }     }     this.setForce = function(force)     {       var i;              for(i = 0; i < this.pointMasses.length; i++)       {         this.pointMasses[i].setForce(force);       }       this.middlePointMass.setForce(force);     }     this.addForce = function(force)     {       var i;              for(i = 0; i < this.pointMasses.length; i++)       {         this.pointMasses[i].addForce(force);       }       this.middlePointMass.addForce(force);       this.pointMasses[0].addForce(force);       this.pointMasses[0].addForce(force);       this.pointMasses[0].addForce(force);       this.pointMasses[0].addForce(force);     }     this.moveTo = function(x, y)     {       var i, blobPos;              blobPos = this.middlePointMass.getPos();       x -= blobPos.getX(x);       y -= blobPos.getY(y);       for(i = 0; i < this.pointMasses.length; i++)       {         blobPos = this.pointMasses[i].getPos();         blobPos.addX(x);         blobPos.addY(y);       }       blobPos = this.middlePointMass.getPos();       blobPos.addX(x);       blobPos.addY(y);     }     this.setSelected = function(selected)     {       this.selected = selected;     }          this.drawEars = function(ctx, scaleFactor)     {       ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000";       ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";       ctx.lineWidth = 2;       ctx.beginPath();       ctx.moveTo((-0.55 * this.radius) * scaleFactor, (-0.35 * this.radius) * scaleFactor);       ctx.lineTo((-0.52 * this.radius) * scaleFactor, (-0.55 * this.radius) * scaleFactor);       ctx.lineTo((-0.45 * this.radius) * scaleFactor, (-0.40 * this.radius) * scaleFactor);       ctx.fill();       ctx.stroke();              ctx.beginPath();       ctx.moveTo((0.55 * this.radius) * scaleFactor, (-0.35 * this.radius) * scaleFactor);       ctx.lineTo((0.52 * this.radius) * scaleFactor, (-0.55 * this.radius) * scaleFactor);       ctx.lineTo((0.45 * this.radius) * scaleFactor, (-0.40 * this.radius) * scaleFactor);       ctx.fill();       ctx.stroke();     }          this.drawHappyEyes1 = function(ctx, scaleFactor)     {       ctx.lineWidth = 1;       ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";       ctx.beginPath();       ctx.arc((-0.15 * this.radius) * scaleFactor,               (-0.20 * this.radius) * scaleFactor,               this.radius * 0.12 * scaleFactor, 0, 2.0 * Math.PI, false);       ctx.fill();       ctx.stroke();       ctx.beginPath();       ctx.arc(( 0.15 * this.radius) * scaleFactor,               (-0.20 * this.radius) * scaleFactor,               this.radius * 0.12 * scaleFactor, 0, 2.0 * Math.PI, false);       ctx.fill();       ctx.stroke();       ctx.fillStyle = "#000000";       ctx.beginPath();       ctx.arc((-0.15 * this.radius) * scaleFactor,               (-0.17 * this.radius) * scaleFactor,               this.radius * 0.06 * scaleFactor, 0, 2.0 * Math.PI, false);       ctx.fill();       ctx.beginPath();       ctx.arc(( 0.15 * this.radius) * scaleFactor,               (-0.17 * this.radius) * scaleFactor,               this.radius * 0.06 * scaleFactor, 0, 2.0 * Math.PI, false);       ctx.fill();     }     this.drawHappyEyes2 = function(ctx, scaleFactor)     {       ctx.lineWidth = 1;       ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";       ctx.beginPath();       ctx.arc((-0.15 * this.radius) * scaleFactor,               (-0.20 * this.radius) * scaleFactor,               this.radius * 0.12 * scaleFactor, 0, 2.0 * Math.PI, false);       ctx.stroke();       ctx.beginPath();       ctx.arc(( 0.15 * this.radius) * scaleFactor,               (-0.20 * this.radius) * scaleFactor,               this.radius * 0.12 * scaleFactor, 0, 2.0 * Math.PI, false);       ctx.stroke();       ctx.lineWidth = 1;       ctx.beginPath();       ctx.moveTo((-0.25 * this.radius) * scaleFactor,                  (-0.20 * this.radius) * scaleFactor);       ctx.lineTo((-0.05 * this.radius) * scaleFactor,                  (-0.20 * this.radius) * scaleFactor);       ctx.stroke();       ctx.beginPath();       ctx.moveTo(( 0.25 * this.radius) * scaleFactor,                  (-0.20 * this.radius) * scaleFactor);       ctx.lineTo(( 0.05 * this.radius) * scaleFactor,                  (-0.20 * this.radius) * scaleFactor);       ctx.stroke();     }     this.drawHappyFace1 = function(ctx, scaleFactor)     {       ctx.lineWidth = 2;       ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000";       ctx.fillStyle = "#000000";       ctx.beginPath();       ctx.arc(0.0, 0.0,         this.radius * 0.25 * scaleFactor, 0, Math.PI, false);       ctx.stroke();     }     this.drawHappyFace2 = function(ctx, scaleFactor)     {       ctx.lineWidth = 2;       ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000";       ctx.fillStyle = "#000000";       ctx.beginPath();       ctx.arc(0.0, 0.0,         this.radius * 0.25 * scaleFactor, 0, Math.PI, false);       ctx.fill();     }     this.drawOohFace = function(ctx, scaleFactor)     {       ctx.lineWidth = 2;       ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000";       ctx.fillStyle = "#000000";       ctx.beginPath();       ctx.arc(0.0, (0.1 * this.radius) * scaleFactor,         this.radius * 0.25 * scaleFactor, 0, Math.PI, false);       ctx.fill();       ctx.beginPath();       ctx.moveTo((-0.25 * this.radius) * scaleFactor, (-0.3 * this.radius) * scaleFactor);       ctx.lineTo((-0.05 * this.radius) * scaleFactor, (-0.2 * this.radius) * scaleFactor);       ctx.lineTo((-0.25 * this.radius) * scaleFactor, (-0.1 * this.radius) * scaleFactor);       ctx.moveTo((0.25 * this.radius) * scaleFactor, (-0.3 * this.radius) * scaleFactor);       ctx.lineTo((0.05 * this.radius) * scaleFactor, (-0.2 * this.radius) * scaleFactor);       ctx.lineTo((0.25 * this.radius) * scaleFactor, (-0.1 * this.radius) * scaleFactor);       ctx.stroke();     }     this.drawFace = function(ctx, scaleFactor)     {       if(this.drawFaceStyle == 1 && Math.random() < 0.05)       {         this.drawFaceStyle = 2;       }       else if(this.drawFaceStyle == 2 && Math.random() < 0.1)       {         this.drawFaceStyle = 1;       }       if(this.drawEyeStyle == 1 && Math.random() < 0.025)       {         this.drawEyeStyle = 2;       }       else if(this.drawEyeStyle == 2 && Math.random() < 0.3)       {         this.drawEyeStyle = 1;       }                          if(this.middlePointMass.getVelocity() > 0.004)       {         this.drawOohFace(ctx, scaleFactor);       }       else       {         if(this.drawFaceStyle == 1)         {           this.drawHappyFace1(ctx, scaleFactor, 0.0, -0.3);         }         else         {           this.drawHappyFace2(ctx, scaleFactor, 0.0, -0.3);         }                  if(this.drawEyeStyle == 1)         {           this.drawHappyEyes1(ctx, scaleFactor, 0.0, -0.3);         }         else         {           this.drawHappyEyes2(ctx, scaleFactor, 0.0, -0.3);         }       }     }     this.getPointMass = function(index)     {       index += this.pointMasses.length;       index = index % this.pointMasses.length;       return this.pointMasses[index];     }     this.drawBody = function(ctx, scaleFactor)     {       var i;              ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000";       if(this.selected == true)       {         ctx.fillStyle = "#FFCCCC";       }       else       {         ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";       }       ctx.lineWidth = 5;       ctx.beginPath();       ctx.moveTo(this.pointMasses[0].getXPos() * scaleFactor,         this.pointMasses[0].getYPos() * scaleFactor);       for(i = 0; i < this.pointMasses.length; i++)       {         var px, py, nx, ny, tx, ty, cx, cy;         var prevPointMass, currentPointMass, nextPointMass, nextNextPointMass;                  prevPointMass = this.getPointMass(i - 1);         currentPointMass = this.pointMasses[i];         nextPointMass = this.getPointMass(i + 1);         nextNextPointMass = this.getPointMass(i + 2);                  tx = nextPointMass.getXPos();         ty = nextPointMass.getYPos();                  cx = currentPointMass.getXPos();         cy = currentPointMass.getYPos();         px = cx * 0.5 + tx * 0.5;         py = cy * 0.5 + ty * 0.5;                  nx = cx - prevPointMass.getXPos() + tx - nextNextPointMass.getXPos();         ny = cy - prevPointMass.getYPos() + ty - nextNextPointMass.getYPos();                  px += nx * 0.16;         py += ny * 0.16;                  px = px * scaleFactor;         py = py * scaleFactor;                  tx = tx * scaleFactor;         ty = ty * scaleFactor;                  ctx.bezierCurveTo(px, py, tx, ty, tx, ty);       }       ctx.closePath();       ctx.stroke();       ctx.fill();     }     this.drawSimpleBody = function(ctx, scaleFactor)     {       for(i = 0; i < this.sticks.length; i++)       {         this.sticks[i].draw(ctx, scaleFactor);       }     }     this.draw = function(ctx, scaleFactor)     {       var i;       var up, ori, ang;                    this.drawBody(ctx, scaleFactor);       ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000";       ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"       ctx.save();       ctx.translate(this.middlePointMass.getXPos() * scaleFactor,         (this.middlePointMass.getYPos() - 0.35 * this.radius) * scaleFactor);              up = new Vector(0.0, -1.0);       ori = new Vector(0.0, 0.0);       ori.set(this.pointMasses[0].getPos());       ori.sub(this.middlePointMass.getPos());       ang = Math.acos(ori.dotProd(up) / ori.length());       if(ori.getX() < 0.0)       {         ctx.rotate(-ang);       }       else       {         ctx.rotate(ang);       }              // this.drawEars(ctx, scaleFactor);       this.drawFace(ctx, scaleFactor);              ctx.restore();     }   }      function BlobCollective(x, y, startNum, maxNum)   {     this.maxNum = maxNum;     this.numActive = 1;     this.blobs = new Array();     this.tmpForce = new Vector(0.0, 0.0);     this.selectedBlob = null;          this.blobs[0] = new Blob(x, y, 0.4, 8);          this.split = function()     {       var i, maxIndex = 0, maxRadius = 0.0;       var emptySlot;       var motherBlob, newBlob;            if(this.numActive == this.maxNum)       {         return;       }              emptySlot = this.blobs.length;       for(i = 0; i < this.blobs.length; i++)       {         if(this.blobs[i] != null && this.blobs[i].getRadius() > maxRadius)         {           maxRadius = this.blobs[i].getRadius();           motherBlob = this.blobs[i];         }         else if(this.blobs[i] == null)         {           emptySlot = i;         }       }              motherBlob.scale(0.75);       newBlob = new Blob(motherBlob.getXPos(),         motherBlob.getYPos(), motherBlob.getRadius(), 8);                for(i = 0; i < this.blobs.length; i++)       {         if(this.blobs[i] == null)         {           continue;         }         this.blobs[i].addBlob(newBlob);         newBlob.addBlob(this.blobs[i]);       }       this.blobs[emptySlot] = newBlob;                this.numActive++;     }          this.findSmallest = function(exclude)     {       var minRadius = 1000.0, minIndex;       var i;              for(i = 0; i < this.blobs.length; i++)       {         if(i == exclude || this.blobs[i] == null)         {           continue;         }         if(this.blobs[i].getRadius() < minRadius)         {           minIndex = i;           minRadius = this.blobs[i].getRadius();         }       }       return minIndex;     }     this.findClosest = function(exclude)     {       var minDist = 1000.0, foundIndex, dist, aXbX, aYbY;       var i;       var myPointMass, otherPointMass;       myPointMass = this.blobs[exclude].getMiddlePointMass();       for(i = 0; i < this.blobs.length; i++)       {         if(i == exclude || this.blobs[i] == null)         {           continue;         }                  otherPointMass = this.blobs[i].getMiddlePointMass();         aXbX = myPointMass.getXPos() - otherPointMass.getXPos();         aYbY = myPointMass.getYPos() - otherPointMass.getYPos();         dist = aXbX * aXbX + aYbY * aYbY;         if(dist < minDist)         {           minDist = dist;           foundIndex = i;         }       }       return foundIndex;     }     this.join = function()     {       var blob1Index, blob2Index, blob1, blob2;       var r1, r2, r3;              if(this.numActive == 1)       {         return;       }              blob1Index = this.findSmallest(-1);       blob2Index = this.findClosest(blob1Index);              r1 = this.blobs[blob1Index].getRadius();       r2 = this.blobs[blob2Index].getRadius();       r3 = Math.sqrt(r1 * r1 + r2 * r2);              this.blobs[blob1Index] = null;       this.blobs[blob2Index].scale(0.945 * r3 / r2);              this.numActive--;     }          this.selectBlob = function(x, y)     {       var i, minDist = 10000.0;       var otherPointMass;       var selectedBlob;       var selectOffset = null;              if(this.selectedBlob != null)       {         return;       }              for(i = 0; i < this.blobs.length; i++)       {         if(this.blobs[i] == null)         {           continue;         }                  otherPointMass = this.blobs[i].getMiddlePointMass();         aXbX = x - otherPointMass.getXPos();         aYbY = y - otherPointMass.getYPos();         dist = aXbX * aXbX + aYbY * aYbY;         if(dist < minDist)         {           minDist = dist;           if(dist < this.blobs[i].getRadius() * 0.5)           {             this.selectedBlob = this.blobs[i];             selectOffset = { x : aXbX, y : aYbY };           }         }       }              if(this.selectedBlob != null)       {         this.selectedBlob.setSelected(true);       }       return selectOffset;     }     this.unselectBlob = function()     {       if(this.selectedBlob == null)       {         return;       }       this.selectedBlob.setSelected(false);       this.selectedBlob = null;     }     this.selectedBlobMoveTo = function(x, y)     {       if(this.selectedBlob == null)       {         return;       }       this.selectedBlob.moveTo(x, y);     }          this.move = function(dt)     {       var i;              for(i = 0; i < this.blobs.length; i++)       {         if(this.blobs[i] == null)         {           continue;         }         this.blobs[i].move(dt);       }     }     this.sc = function(env)     {       var i;              for(i = 0; i < this.blobs.length; i++)       {         if(this.blobs[i] == null)         {           continue;         }         this.blobs[i].sc(env);       }       if(this.blobAnchor != null)       {         this.blobAnchor.sc();       }     }     this.setForce = function(force)     {       var i;              for(i = 0; i < this.blobs.length; i++)       {         if(this.blobs[i] == null)         {           continue;         }         if(this.blobs[i] == this.selectedBlob)         {           this.blobs[i].setForce(new Vector(0.0, 0.0));           continue;         }         this.blobs[i].setForce(force);       }     }     this.addForce = function(force)     {       var i;              for(i = 0; i < this.blobs.length; i++)       {         if(this.blobs[i] == null)         {           continue;         }         if(this.blobs[i] == this.selectedBlob)         {           continue;         }         this.tmpForce.setX(force.getX() * (Math.random() * 0.75 + 0.25));         this.tmpForce.setY(force.getY() * (Math.random() * 0.75 + 0.25));         this.blobs[i].addForce(this.tmpForce);       }     }     this.draw = function(ctx, scaleFactor)     {       var i;              for(i = 0; i < this.blobs.length; i++)       {         if(this.blobs[i] == null)         {           continue;         }         this.blobs[i].draw(ctx, scaleFactor);       }     }   }   function debug(msg, okFunc, cancelFunc)   {     if(confirm(msg) == true && okFunc != null)     {       okFunc();     }     else if(cancelFunc != null)     {       cancelFunc();     }   }   var env;   var width = 600.0;   var height = 400.0;   var scaleFactor = 200.0;   var blobColl;   var gravity;   var stopped;   var savedMouseCoords = null;   var selectOffset = null;   function update()   {     var dt = 0.05;          if(savedMouseCoords != null && selectOffset != null)     {       blobColl.selectedBlobMoveTo(savedMouseCoords.x - selectOffset.x,         savedMouseCoords.y - selectOffset.y);     }          blobColl.move(dt);     blobColl.sc(env);     blobColl.setForce(gravity);   }   function draw()   {     var canvas = document.getElementById('blob');     if(canvas.getContext == null)     {       return;     }           var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');     ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);          env.draw(ctx, scaleFactor);     blobColl.draw(ctx, scaleFactor);   }      function timeout()   {     draw();     update();              if(stopped == false)     {       setTimeout('timeout()', 30);     }   }      function init()   {     var canvas = document.getElementById('blob');     if(canvas.getContext == null)     {       alert("You need Firefox version 1.5 or higher for this to work, sorry.");       return;     }     document.onkeydown = function(event)     {       var keyCode;              if(event == null)       {         keyCode = window.event.keyCode;       }       else       {         keyCode = event.keyCode;       }       switch(keyCode)       {         // left         case 37:           blobColl.addForce(new Vector(-50.0, 0.0));           break;                   // up         case 38:           blobColl.addForce(new Vector(0.0, -50.0));           break;                    // right         case 39:           blobColl.addForce(new Vector(50.0, 0.0));           break;                  // down         case 40:           blobColl.addForce(new Vector(0.0, 50.0));           break;                    // join 'j'         case 74:           blobColl.join();           break;                  // split 'h'         case 72:           blobColl.split();           break;                    // toggle gravity 'g'         case 71:           toggleGravity();           break;         default:           break;       }     }             function getMouseCoords(event)     {       if(event == null)       {         event = window.event;       }       if(event == null)       {         return null;       }       if(event.pageX || event.pageY){         return {x:event.pageX / scaleFactor, y:event.pageY / scaleFactor};       }       return null;     }     document.onmousedown = function(event)     {       var mouseCoords;              if(stopped == true)       {         return;       }       mouseCoords = getMouseCoords(event);       if(mouseCoords == null)       {         return;       }       selectOffset = blobColl.selectBlob(mouseCoords.x, mouseCoords.y);     }     document.onmouseup = function(event)     {       blobColl.unselectBlob();       savedMouseCoords = null;       selectOffset = null;     }     document.onmousemove = function(event)     {       var mouseCoords;              if(stopped == true)       {         return;       }       if(selectOffset == null)       {         return;       }       mouseCoords = getMouseCoords(event);       if(mouseCoords == null)       {         return;       }       blobColl.selectedBlobMoveTo(mouseCoords.x - selectOffset.x, mouseCoords.y - selectOffset.y);              savedMouseCoords = mouseCoords;     }          env = new Environment(0.2, 0.2, 2.6, 1.6);     blobColl = new BlobCollective(1.0, 1.0, 1, 200);     gravity = new Vector(0.0, 10.0);     stopped = false;     timeout();   }   function stop()   {     stopped = true;   }   function start()   {     stopped = false;     timeout();   }   function toggleGravity()   {     if(gravity.getY() > 0.0)     {       gravity.setY(0.0);     }     else     {       gravity.setY(10.0);     }   }

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